Yo! It must be a very eventful week huh? Congratulations to our Clarinet and Percussion ensemble for achieving the 1st and 3rd places for the 2nd N7 Cluster Instrumental Competition. I believe it was a very proud moment! :D The efforts these two groups have put in for the previous few weeks is very commendable!
I found out also that the 40 people for the Perth Music Exchange have been choosen. Many of you guys will feel disapointed that you are not choosen. Please do not feel that way, you are not not good enough or anything like that. It's just because there was this 40-people-constrain. That's why. Even so, we will be working together to achieve best results in Perth and SYF 2009 right?
I have no intentionn of bring up the whole emo thingum but do remember what happened this sibf. I'm pretty sure you guys wouldn't want to go Perth to throw our faces in another continent and march towards Singapore Confrence Hall to do another round of face throwing right? So arh, we have to make this work! SYF choice piece is out already, we need good attendence to make this work.
It wouldn't be easy but we have to make it work! Now we have to turn on the competition mode already! Sectionals, listen to your SL, help each other. Combines, work well with Mr Sim and listen. Do self practices, listen to the recording. Think about what does the composer wants to achieve by a certain way of the music played. We will make it work! (:
Happy Holidays! (Which is 3 more weeks to E.O.Y. examinations! :P)